Membuat Anti virus Kspoold dengan NotePad Virus Kspoold sebenernya bukan virus yg merusak Sistem. Mereka tidak memblok fitur2 Windows seperti Task Manager,Run,Registry Editor dll.Tapi mereka meng-Infect file2 Word,Exel dll.Jadi pembuatan removalnya-pun lebih mudah.Tapi tidak ada salahnya kita belajar untuk membuat Anti-Virus Kspoold kita sendiri...ya kan?Sekarang kita akan membuat Kspoold removal hanya dng berbekal NotePad. langsung aja ===========================
============================= Echo off Cls REM - Ubah Warna Color A REM - Ubah Judul Title Kspoold Killer * By N4is3N (Atau nama anda sendiri) REM - Masuk ke Direktori Sistem %SYSTEMDRIVE% cd %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo KSPOOLD KILLER Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo After you press any key on your keyboard, i do... Echo - Removing Related Registry Echo - Stopping Kspoold Process Echo - Deleting Kspoold file in the system directory echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo. Pause Echo. REM - Hapus Registry yg di buat sebagai service virus Reg delete "HKEY_MACHINE_\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Service\KspooldDaemon" /f Reg delete "HKEY_MACHINE_\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Service\KspooldDaemon" /f Reg delete "HKEY_MACHINE_\SYSTEM\CurentControlSet\Service\KspooldDaemon"/f REM - Hentikan Proses Virus TaskKill /IM Kspoold.exe /F /T REM - Set Atribut file Virus menjadi normal Attrib -s -h -r Kspoold.exe REM - Hapus file Virus Del Kspoold.exe Cls Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo KSPOOLD KILLER Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo After you press any key on your keyboard, i do... Echo - Removing Related Registry Echo - Stopping Kspoold Process Echo - Deleting Kspoold file in the system directory echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo. Echo Press any key to continue... Echo. Echo Well done -The "Kspoold" was completely removed Echo. Pause ======================================================== Copy paste Script di atas ke dalam NotePad, dan simpan sebagai Kspoold Killer.BAT. Setelah di simpan, silakan jalankan dng cara mengKlik dua kali pada file Kspoold Killer.BAT.
============================= Echo off Cls REM - Ubah Warna Color A REM - Ubah Judul Title Kspoold Killer * By N4is3N (Atau nama anda sendiri) REM - Masuk ke Direktori Sistem %SYSTEMDRIVE% cd %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo KSPOOLD KILLER Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo After you press any key on your keyboard, i do... Echo - Removing Related Registry Echo - Stopping Kspoold Process Echo - Deleting Kspoold file in the system directory echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo. Pause Echo. REM - Hapus Registry yg di buat sebagai service virus Reg delete "HKEY_MACHINE_\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Service\KspooldDaemon" /f Reg delete "HKEY_MACHINE_\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Service\KspooldDaemon" /f Reg delete "HKEY_MACHINE_\SYSTEM\CurentControlSet\Service\KspooldDaemon"/f REM - Hentikan Proses Virus TaskKill /IM Kspoold.exe /F /T REM - Set Atribut file Virus menjadi normal Attrib -s -h -r Kspoold.exe REM - Hapus file Virus Del Kspoold.exe Cls Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo KSPOOLD KILLER Echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo After you press any key on your keyboard, i do... Echo - Removing Related Registry Echo - Stopping Kspoold Process Echo - Deleting Kspoold file in the system directory echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Echo. Echo Press any key to continue... Echo. Echo Well done -The "Kspoold" was completely removed Echo. Pause ======================================================== Copy paste Script di atas ke dalam NotePad, dan simpan sebagai Kspoold Killer.BAT. Setelah di simpan, silakan jalankan dng cara mengKlik dua kali pada file Kspoold Killer.BAT.
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